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Ian Robinson, Co-authoring a book on Web-friendly enterprise integration
Ian Robinson (http://iansrobinson.com) is a Principal Consultant with ThoughtWorks, where he specializes in the design and
delivery of service-oriented and distributed systems.
He has written guidance for Microsoft on implementing integration patterns with
Microsoft technologies,and has published articles on business-oriented
development methodologies and distributed systems design - most
recently in The ThoughtWorks Anthology (Pragmatic Programmers, 2008).
He is currently co-authoring a book on Web-friendly enterprise
Presentation: "Beginning an SOA Initiative"
Friday 11:30 - 12:30
Abstract: Your twenty-year old VAX BASIC monolith can't bear the burden of change; your database integration strategies are now mired in costly complexity. Things have got to change, but the way ahead looks grim: stop the world (ha!), or stumble, tactical fix-by-tactical fix, into oblivion.
There is an alternative. In this session I'll describe some lightweight strategies, based on business capability modeling, Agile user stories and Domain Driven Design, that together help set a fledgling SOA initiative on the road to success. Along the way, I'll identify some of the misconceptions and dangers inherent in SOA as I've seen it practiced. I'll illustrate the good and the bad with case study material taken from financial services, utilities, entertainment and communications engagements.
Training: "REST in Practice. A Tutorial on Web-based Services"
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
The Web is fast becoming a serious competitor to traditional enterprise
architecture approaches. This tutorial will provide an introduction to
RESTful Web Service techniques, both from a theoretical and practical
perspectives. The tutorial is broken down as follows:
- Introduction and Motivation
- The Web Architecture
- Simple Web Integration including POX and URI tunnelling
- CRUD Services using URI templates and HTTP
- Semantics using Microformats and RDF
- Hypermedia and the REST architectural style
- Scalability and how a text-based client-server polling protocol outperforms everything else!
- ATOM and ATOMPub for event-driven and pub/sub applications Security
- Conclusions and further thoughts
Participants should be comfortable with distributed computing
concepts, but won't need any particular integration or middleware