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From Code to Monkeys: Continuous Delivery at Netflix

From Code to Monkeys: Continuous Delivery at Netflix

Grand Ballroom B/C
Monday, 11:45am - 12:35pm

At Netflix, we continue to improve upon our continuous delivery process. We thrive in a hybrid environment, where every developer is able to deploy code, and with that freedom comes the responsibility for ensuring that our customers are not negatively impacted. We have constructed Open Source tools toward a Continuous Delivery solution. In this session, you will learn about our tool chain so that you can determine which make sense in your environment.

Dianne.Marsh's picture
Dianne Marsh is a Director of Engineering for Netflix in Los Gatos, CA, where she leads a team responsible for tools and systems used by nearly all engineers in the company for continuous integration, delivery and deployment to the AWS cloud. Her team builds software to support build tools as well as cloud deployment and management, used both internally and often released as open source tools to the broad community. Dianne recently co-authored Atomic Scala, an introductory book on Scala, with Bruce Eckel. Dianne is also active in CodeMash and various Java user groups. She has recently created the Ann Arbor Scala Enthusiasts group. She is a maintainer of the Scala Koans project. Dianne earned her Master of Science degree in computer science from Michigan Technological University.