Speaker: Paula Kennedy

She / her / hers

Cofounder & COO @Syntasso, Previously Senior Director Platform Services @VMware and @Pivotal, 20+ Years in the IT Industry

Paula is Cofounder & Chief Operating Officer of Syntasso; her previous roles include Senior Director at VMware Tanzu and Cofounder & Chief Operating Officer of CloudCredo.

With 20+ years experience in the IT industry, Paula champions community, diversity and inclusion and has spoken at many conferences including KubeCon and the LeadDev conference. She is a CNCF Ambassador, an OpenUK Ambassador as well as a Team Topologies Advocate. Paula is an organiser for KCD UK, DevOpsDays London, and Fast Flow Conference, as well as the London Platform User Group. In her spare time she enjoys walking her dog and attempting to run half-marathons.

Find Paula Kennedy at:


Platform Engineering: Evolution, Trends, and Future Impact on Software Delivery

Platform Engineering is frequently hailed as the latest paradigm shift enabling developers to ship code faster - but is it simply a return to the pre-DevOps era of siloed teams focusing on narrow parts of the software lifecycle?

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Tuesday Nov 19 / 01:35PM PST ( 50 minutes )


Pacific DEKJ


Platform Engineering Build vs. Buy APIs
