Track Host: Allison Randal

She / her / hers

Board Member,, and

Allison is an open source/hardware developer and strategist. She is co-chair of the Microarchitecture Side Channels working group at RISC-V International, chair of the board at the Software Freedom Conservancy, board member at the Open Infrastructure Foundation, and board member at Open Usage Commons.

At various points in the past she has served as president and board member of the Open Source Initiative, president and board member of the Perl Foundation, board member of the Python Software Foundation, chair of the board at the Parrot Foundation, chief architect of the Parrot virtual machine, Conference Chair of OSCON at O’Reilly Media, Technical Architect of Ubuntu at Canonical, Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard, Distinguished Engineer at SUSE, and Principal Engineer at Rivos. She collaborates in the Debian and RISC-V projects.

Find Allison Randal at:


Deep Tech: Pushing the Boundaries of Hardware+Software

Deep tech is used to describe technologies that are evolving at the hardware level to support, refine, or extend the capabilities of our familiar system software stacks, and have the potential to revolutionize industries or create new ones. This track will explore the latest trends in deep tech, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, IoT/Edge, security, quantum computing, and more. Speakers will discuss the challenges and opportunities of these technologies, and how they are being used to solve real-world problems.


Wednesday Oct 4 / 10:35AM PDT
